Now day’s social media are the integral part of blogging. Every blog has social sharing and follows buttons. With these buttons, your visitors easily share your posts on social sites and follow you with great ease. Today I am sharing with you Stylish All in One Social Subscribe Box Widget in Blogger. It is a very fancy and lightweight widget and does not affect the loading speed of your blog. Moreover, this widget does not take much space and cover all important follow buttons in a single space. You can view that the post design in a featured image.
Features of the Widget.
- It is a very attractive widget and help you to increase your social media followers. It has following features.
- It is lightweight and does not effect on loading speed.
- Very attractive and fancy design.
- You can reorder according to your wishes.
- Fully supported all browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer etc.
How To Install All in One Social Subscription Box?
- It is no hard task; you can easily install this widget on your blog with below mentioned simple steps.
- Go to blogger dashboard and select your blog
- Go to Template >>Edit HTML
- In the template search for]] ></bskin> and just above it past the below code.
- There is no need to any modification in the code, it easily adjust with your blog’s layout.
/* * All in one Social Subscription Box * --------------------------------------------------------*/-,- ,div.socialbox-mbl ul li,div.socialbox-mbl ul li p,div.socialbox-mbl ul li img,- p span,- a : none; : none; -style: normal; -weight: normal; : 0; : 0;}
- ,div.socialbox-mbl ul li{ -style: none;}
- a,div.socialbox-mbl ul li img{ : inline; : auto;}
- -button -align: center;}
--classic: #768a96;-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;-size: 14px;}
--classic : url( repeat;: 1px solid #d8dcdf;--border-radius: 4px;--border-radius: 4px;-radius: 4px;--box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #dfe4e7;--box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #dfe4e7;-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #dfe4e7;: 0;: 0;}
--classic -image: none;-bottom: 1px solid #d8dcdf;: 40px;: hidden;: 19px 9px 0 9px;}
--classic last-child-bottom: none;}
--classic img: none;-right: 10px;: left;}
--classic p: inline;: relative; -3px;}
--classic p span: #425763;-weight: bold;}
--classic -button: url( no-repeat;: 1px solid #d8dcdf;--border-radius: 3px;--border-radius: 3px;-radius: 3px;: #425763;: right;-size: 11px;-weight: bold;-height: 11px;: 6px 10px;: relative;-decoration: none;-transform: uppercase;: -4px;}
--classic -buttonhover: url( 0 -27px no-repeat;}
--classic -buttonactive: url( 0 -54px no-repeat
Now go to layout and add HTML/JavaScript Widget. In the box, paste the following code.
<!— All in one Social Subscription Box>
<div class="socialbox-mbl mbl-classic" style="width: 300px !">
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